信濃追分の家 借宿Ⅲ-③
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誕生しました! 陽当たりの良い南向きの緩斜面位置し、南に八ヶ岳、北を向けば雄大な浅間山と四季移ろう
≪ コンセプト ≫
≪ 設備・特徴 ≫
所在地 軽井沢町大字長倉 借宿
交通 しなの電鉄 信濃追分駅 約56m 徒歩7分
構造 木造軸組2階建 + エアパスソーラー工法
地目 宅地
用途地域 第一種住居専用地域
建ぺい率 60%
容積率 200%
性能取得 長期優良住宅認定通知書/設計性能評価書/建設性能評価書
設備 電気、ガス(個別プロパン)、町営上水道、浄化槽
学校区 西部小学校、軽井沢中学校
ほか 私道負担なし
道路 南側接道 約5.0m公道 、間口 約17.55mに接道
その他 法第22条区域、長野県景観条例、軽井沢町自然保護対策要綱
建物後退 道路2m 隣地1m
現状 工事中
入居可能時期 2022年12月末以降 即可能
ほか必要費用 水道加入金132,000円、表示・保存登記費用、固定資産税の清算金(起算日:4月1日)
売主 株式会社フォレストコーポレーション
免許番号 長野県知事(1)第5812号
情報登録日 2021年12月1日
情報更新日 2024年1月8日
所属団体 公益社団法人全国宅地建物取引業保証協会
軽井沢の別荘は、 「陽当たり」と「湿気対策」が大切です
Karuizawa's winter clear sky rate is 90%!
Sunlight is important for living at an altitude of 1,000 meters
By having good sunlight, you can protect yourself from the humidity in the summer and the cold in the winter, which are unique to Karuizawa. You can create a clean home that allows moisture to escape and is mold-free, and a warm home that does not rely on heating during the winter days. With a location, floor plan, and insulation performance that efficiently let in sunlight, we offer homes that allow you to stay warm during winter in Karuizawa, even without heating during the day.
The annual average humidity in Karuizawa is 80%! ?
Dense forests have poor ventilation.
The annual average humidity in Karuizawa is over 80%. Especially from June to October, the humidity is high, making it easy for mold to grow. During this season, there may be a musty smell coming from somewhere in the villa area. In the summer, there is poor ventilation, making it easy for mold to grow. That's why it is essential to take measures to prevent moisture and mold in your home. In addition, in dense forests, sunlight does not reach the area, so heating is required not only in winter, but also in spring, autumn, and day and night.
In the humid Karuizawa
“Airpass solar construction method” is suitable
"Warmth like the sun" without worrying about humidity or condensation
Airpass's winter mode creates air flow within the walls by bringing in the warm sunlight into the house and collecting solar heat on the roof and walls. It completely envelops the wall with a layer of warm air, and is effective in preventing condensation and mold inside the walls due to moisture. With an Airpass home, you can stay away for a long timeYou can feel safe using this villa! ! Protects asset value over the long term.